Hyperstrange's Massacre Before Christmas Sale

[h1]Hyperstrange's Massacre Before Christmas Publisher Sale[/h1] Everyone celebrates Christmas their own way: some find joy in baking pies... and smashing heads of anyone who disturbs their holiday spirit. Others care for their holiday tree like it’s sacred, keeping it perfectly watered. There are those who take this time to settle personal scores… umm, I mean, misunderstandings - laying all their cards on the table so they can enjoy a grudge-free holiday. Our job? Making sure that there are proper presents! So come join us under our [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/Hyperstrange/sale/HyperstrangeMassacreSale]Hyperstrange Tree[/url] - it might be a little early, a little blood-soaked, and a lot chaotic, but the wicked gifts are already there, waiting for you. We named this event The Hyperstrange's Massacre Before Christmas and it’s ready to deliver gifts of death-n-glory and gore-packed fun! [b]Allow us to invite you to ZlimBratSki’s stream, where he’ll explain everything! [/b] [h1][url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/Hyperstrange/sale/HyperstrangeMassacreSale]Click here - you really don’t want to miss it![/url][/h1] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/Hyperstrange/sale/HyperstrangeMassacreSale][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41048420/fab8326b6b1bab6c32d043f3509c543cac81ba22.jpg[/img] [/url] [h2]Want a little sneak peek? Alright, it is the season of giving, after all! Here’s what you’ll find out:[/h2] [list] [*] [b]All the gritty details about the upcoming Blood West: Dead Man's Promise DLC.[/b] Who, what, where, whom, why, and who asked for it. And most importantly: [b]WHEN??[/b] [*] [b]A deep dive into character progression and skills in our new survivorslike, Hordes of Hunger.[/b] Learn how to combine abilities and perks that work together to create powerful builds using and prepare yourself for battles against the Horde. [*][b] A sack full of trailers and updates on our other games, and maybe even a hint about some sneaky[/b], but generous giveaways. [/list] [h2]That’s it? - Nah, man. There’s some seriously epic surprises coming your way![/h2] That also means that our chainsaw-snow-shovel slices prices with the ferocity of massacring elves in [b]Santa’s toy factory, bringing huge discounts across our and our friends' catalogs.[/b] From immersive stealth action and rip-roaring boomer shooters to grim roguelikes and metal-fueled mayhem that’ll deck the halls with rumbling chorus - and if that’s not enough, we’ve cooked up some insane [b]LIMITED BUNDLES packed with other kickass games! Here are a few of them:[/b] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/48179/Selaco_x_Supplice/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/47840/CONSCRIPT_x_EMPTY_SHELL/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/47953/AMID_EVIL_x_ELDERBORN/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/47783/Jupiter_Hell_x_Dark_Envoy/ https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/47952/DUSK_x_POSTAL_Brain_Damaged/ So gather up gunslingers, slayers, hunters and darkness explorers. Grab your rifles, spears, and gruesome cheer, because the Hyperstrange’s Massacre Before Christmas is here to turn your cozy December into a blood-soaked frenzy! [h2][url=https://store.steampowered.com/publisher/Hyperstrange/sale/HyperstrangeMassacreSale]The event ends on December 18! Don’t miss out![/url][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41048420/837feb3f28a9199565f25131081dd9a6a06b4fa0.png[/img]