Hotfix v1.3.117

OneBit Adventure

OneBit Adventure is a casual turn-based roguelike where you adventure as far as possible to level up and battle against rogue monsters. Your primary goal in OneBit Adventure is to survive and loot. Choose from a variety of classes and build the ultimate class.

Added hide all popup text option to gameplay settings Added pet to the campfire screen if one is equipped Updated Prestige screen to display level requirement and disable the button when below level 100 Updated pets to collect coins and items nearby. Items will not be collected/targeted while inventory is full Updated Shield Bash and Parry to be able to cancel after selecting the skill again Updated normal chests (not locked inside a room) to have a 50% chance to spawn an equipment while level 3+ Fixed Archer’s vault not working on fences with eggs Fixed battery icon in settings not displaying properly when full Fixed pausing double xp not saving after closing the game Fixed text displaying “!” for every pickup when double xp is activated Fixed attack spots not pausing when the enemy is no longer active due to distance from player Fixed Dark Slash not registering the edge tiles of bosses as targetable Fixed sound issues with using fenced door with pet Fixed fenced door not properly closing when knocked back from a fenced door Fixed Hp Efficiency not working with Regen Potion Fixed game over screen being interrupted with Wraith dialogue when the player dies the same turn as the wraith’s end timer Fixed skin not animating on campfire screen Fixed tutorial allowing more than 1 free upgrade towards helmet Fixed equip from inventory not displaying correct text for what you equipped Fixed game not checking time data before saving. This led to incorrect time stamps when cross syncing. Fixed equipment list not updating when selling, or collecting equipment