Hotfix: patch 0.6.1.

Pagan: Absent Gods

Pagan: Absent Gods is a singleplayer fast-paced hack-and-slash action RPG that will challenge your skill in brutal and satisfying combat against countless enemies and larger than life bosses. Master all heroes, each with their own unique playstyle and earn unique rewards.

Servers will be unavailable from 05:00 - 06:30 UTC. [img][/img] [h1]Bug fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Unintended items from upcoming content have been removed. Sorry for the spoilers!  [*] We fixed an issue where the introduction movie caused crashes.  [*] The Knowledge shrine now gives potency points as intended.  [*] The mission "Vulture and Scavengers" has been fixed. Now spawning angry hordes as intended!  [*] Gauntlet chests now give loot, as they should.   [*] Seriously, sorry for the spoilers. We removed some exclusive Gamescom items from the game.  [*] Wolves have been undomesticated. Dameer’s "Feral Souls" ability now works as intended.  [*] We gave some visuals a coat of debugging paint. Act V: The Last of their Kind now displays as intended.  [/list] [h1]Balance[/h1] [list] [*] Knowledge Shrine and Shroud Cage spawn chances have been increased!  [*] Rewards for endgame missions have been rebalanced. This adds a higher chance of getting better quality items.  [/list]