[h2]Riders, the Sledder's first hotfix after the Early Access release is here!
[*] No more torn terrain boundaries in lower terrain quality settings!
[*] Say goodbye to glitches on the edges of the map! We've fixed terrain height issues.
[*] The FPS drop problem caused by player name labels has been fixed.
[*] Respawn with a twist! Sleds no longer shift abruptly, and crossing the border during respawn requires a bit more effort. ๐
[*] Hills and Mountains maps now proudly showcase their names properly in the map view.
[*] MPH showing up correctly in the physical speedometer.
[*] Rider hand placements have been refined, and the placement of tracks on sleds has been polished.
[*] We've fixed the annoying pull cord sound bug in multiplayer. Enjoy the silence.
Keep sledding, keep pointing us bugs, request features and enjoy the constantly improved Sledders.