Hotfix #3 Patch Update: Now Live!

Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

Welcome to the Lost Caribbean! In this stealth strategy game, join a ghost ship with a living soul and assemble a cursed pirate crew. Embrace magical powers to defy the menacing army of the Inquisition, who stands between you and the mysterious treasure of the legendary Captain Mordechai.

Avast ye, cursed pirates! We've just released a Hotfix patch update. It addresses the most crucial bugs that you have reported since the launch of the two DLCs [i]Shadow Gambit: Yuki's Wish[/i] and [i]Shadow Gambit: Zagan's Ritual[/i]. Here are the most important changes that we've made: [list] [*] Fixed bug in the character mission "Gaelle's Letter (Ch.2)" preventing the player from leaving the warehouse. [*] Unfortunately the save games for this mission will be deprecated and players will need to restart it. In other missions this should not be the case. [*] Fixed crashes and issues when using Yuki’s Tanuki Kuma in some edge cases. [*] Fixed the “Give Them No Quarter” badge that was not properly working before. [*] Removed “The Tome” hard setup double enemies. [*] Implemented several small fixes. [/list] Yours, The Mimimis