Hotfix 1.8.2 is now LIVE! - Not for Problem Reports!

Good Day Victorians! Another quick hotfix for 1.8, targeted at the crash affecting some players, which should be compatible with 1.8 save games! Checksum is 1fc5. As always, this post is not for bug reports, please instead post them in the bug reporting forum (including a save and steps to recreate is always useful). The following changes have been made to the game compared to 1.8.1: [h2]Bugfixes[/h2] [list] [*]Fixed a crash that would consistently happen for some users when launching the game [*]Fixed a bug that would happen if the game rule "Loyalties Grace Period" was activated. There would be no gains for Loyalists or Radicals after the period ends. [*]Fixed a crash that could happen when a Company was removed [/list] [hr][/hr] [b]How to Rollback your Game[/b] If you are on an older save you may want to continue an the save, you can roll back to a previous version of the game e.g. 1.7.7 via following the steps below! 1. Right click the game in Steam 2. Go to Properties and select the tab called "BETAS" 3. Pick the version you want to play and close. 4. Allow the game to update 5. Make sure, before you load any save, that the version number in the game is the one you want. 6. If the previous step fails, exit the game, right click -> properties -> local files -> Verify integrity of game files and wait for all files to be verified before going back to step 5. Note: You can freely swap between the latest version and previous versions this way. By selecting "NONE - opt out of all beta programs" you go to the latest released version.