Hotfix 1.3.1 | Progression and Stability Fixes

Call of the Wild: The Angler™

From the creators of theHunter: Call of the Wild comes an open world fishing experience! Relax and unwind at your favorite spot or explore the beautiful great outdoors with friends as you embark on the journey to become a master angler.

Hotfix 1.3.1 is now live and fixes several of the progression and stability bugs that came with the latest Evolution Update. Read the notes below for more info. [h3]Gameplay[/h3] [list] [*] Resolved an issue in Taylor’s Tackle Academy that prevented players from progressing in both the Beginner and Expert Class. [*] Fixed a bug where the Fishing Challenge Gold 1 mission wouldn’t track properly.[/list] [h3]Visual[/h3] [list] [*] Resculpted poor Speilfinne’s busted-in head. We’re sorry Speilfinne, we love you! <3[/list] [h3]Stability[/h3] [list] [*] Resolved a rare crash and black screen some players would experience on start-up.[/list] Thank you to everyone who reported these bugs and happy angling!