Hotfix 0.1.9a


CIBOS is a crazy party game, up to 4-players online and local centering around hilarious versus matches. Dash your opponent, collect power-up to become the best employee of the galaxy!!! Also experience a solo adventure to discover the amazing world of CIBOS!

[list] [*] The in-game crown displaying the leading team by combining score was faulty in various team configurations. [*] Fixed multiple visual glitches in the multiplayer level selection, added color highlight based on player selection in tournament modes. [*] From now on, the game version will be displayed with a warning sign in the character selection when joining online multiplayer session if conflicting versions are used between clients and server. [*] Tutorial has been soften and does not need to be completed to continue the adventure. [*] The ambulance in local multiplayer display the player number on top of it, and in online multiplayer only display an arrow to indicate yourself for better readability. [/list]