Horrorsport: Push Me, Pull You Released

Push Me Pull You

Push Me Pull You is an award-winning local multiplayer game about friendship and wrestling. Joined at the waist, you and your partner share a long, wriggling body as you wrestle your opponents for control of the ball.

I’ve played Push Me, Pull You [official site] for years at events I’ve helped run, revelling in its Cronenbergian wrestleball, but only today did it graduate from the multiplayer party circuit to an actual proper game released on PC. PMPY is a local multiplayer ballsport played by eerie tubefolk with a head and hands at both end. Tubefolk try to keep hold of the ball, so the two twist and writhe and shrink and stretch and entwine and unravel like athletic Cumberland sausage. It is really a quite good game.

… [visit site to read more]