Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered PC – Patch 1.1

Hey everyone, Patch 1.1 is now available for Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered on PC. This update includes various bug fixes and improvements based on community feedback. Read the patch notes below for more details. The teams at Nixxes and Guerrilla continue to closely monitor reports and are actively working on future patches with additional bug fixes and optimizations. [h3]Patch Notes ([/h3] [list] [*] Pre-rendered cut scenes now have the same audio volume as gameplay. [*] Improvements related to Steam Input*. [*] Resolved a crash that could occur for some players when adjusting mouse and keyboard controls. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause disappearing and/or flickering shadows in Meridian when playing on ultrawide resolutions. [*] HUD markers for objectives are now rendering correctly when using a custom Field of View setting. [*] Fixed a bug that could cause a bow to appear floating in a cinematic. [*] Various user interface improvements. [*] Performance improvements. [*] Stability improvements. [/list] [i]* We are aware of players reporting issues when using controllers with Steam Input enabled. This update contains improvements, and the team is working on additional updates to fully address the reported issues. As a workaround, while we work on updates, we recommend disabling Steam Input when using supported controllers.[/i] [quote]If you encounter any issues, please [url=https://support.nixxes.com/hc/en-us/articles/22671859872669-I-want-to-contact-support]contact support[/url] and supply the requested files, to help us gather more data and insights.[/quote]