Hooray! Patch 1.1.2 arrived!

Willy-Nilly Knight

Willy-Nilly Knight is the great story, based on the legend of King Arthur. Immerse yourself in a single-player, isometric, story-driven RPG with real-time gameplay and turn-based combat, set in the colorful fantasy universe. Will you find the power to save the world in the war of gods? Find your answer.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/28195285/95b6c38bb2de43d21990e91fa830cdfcfde60d4b.png[/img] Dear gamers! We are thankful for your support and feedback. As promised, we are continue to work on the game even after full release, and current update is the best prove of this. ːsteamhappyː [b]New shop - main development of this update:[/b] [list] [*] Shop interface fully redesigned to be more user-friendly. [*] Added possibility to change team member, on whose behalf you would look through the shop, right in the shop window. [*] Added tabs to filter shop and inventory items. [*] Fixed ingredients cost, Исправлена стоимость некоторых ингредиентов, that earlier made unfavourable and useless craft system. [/list] [b]Gameplay fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Added possibility to change difficulty level right in the game from settings menu (tab "Others"). [*] Fixed loot spawning in unreachable points. [*] Added automatic healing for all team members after win in combat. [*] Team members and enemies no more collect theirs Action Points while under Stun, Freeze or Chain effects. [/list] [b]Fixed characters Skills:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed life healing for Guinevere if somewho from your team members was attacked and Guinevere has the "Word of Life" skill. [*] Fixed Action Points recovery by Kerdik after use the "Ruin" skill. [*] Fixed Action Points recovery by Idril after use the "Rapid Fire" skill. [/list] [b]Localization fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Names for some Skills and Bufs/DeBuffs. [*] Added information about chance to Stun when using Guinevere's "Lightning Strike" skill. [*] Fixed description for Strength stat. "Increase physical armor" changed to "Increase Initiative". [*] Other minor fixed for localization issues. [/list] In the next update we will update Pathfinding and navigation system, characters AI, tiny more improve game balance and a little more, so you can take even more enjoy from Willy-Nilly Knight game. :wnk_arthur: We must also pay special tribute to our most active gamers: [list] [*] =AJSA= Big Mad Wolf [*] lividman [*] [255]ThePhiphi [*] DaurShlaG [*] Indream [*] Zlish [*] Dasparado [*] Dogtown1 [*] Graynef [*] [MCDFB] CallmeNezo (DK) [*] Ratibor92 [/list] Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions, which help us to make Willy-Nilly Knight better! Sorry if we lost somebody in this list, but we love oll of you! ːsteamhappyː