Honey Rose: Underdog Fighter Extraordinaire

One student, two lives and six months to go. This year, Red must meet her idol Big Blue in the ring and make it to the top of the masked fighting tournament. Her dream will come true... as long as she also graduates!

Hello everyone! Today marks the [b]third anniversary[/b] since I started working on this project! It's been a long and arduous three years, but I'm glad they eventually turned into a game you can play for yourself. I hope you've enjoyed the time you spent alongside Honey, or will in the future, as I've certainly enjoyed seeing your reactions, thoughts and screenshots posted here! [b]I'm looking forward to seeing more and to discuss the game's content and themes with you all in the future.[/b] However, this birthday also marks the end of the project, and the start of another: [b]Honey, as a game, holds everything I had envisioned for it, and barring technical fixes and patches, there will be no significant content change or update in the foreseeable future.[/b] Instead, I have started working on my next game, which I'm happy to introduce you to now if you haven't seen it already: it's titled [b]Pachacuti, and will be a 2D-modular-action-platformer, starring Inti, the Daughter of the Sun[/b]. For all details about it, please look at its [url=https://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=58329.0] TIGsource devlog [/url] or my Twitter feed [url=https://twitter.com/lavantdapres] Twitter Feed [/url] for all the latest information about the project's development! To conclude, [b]thank you very much for all your support for Honey Rose[/b], and I hope you'll share some great experiences with her - and I hope you'll be there to see Inti come to life, sometime down the line! [b]If you wish to support my work, you can use the "pay-what-you-liked" model here on Steam to directly support Honey Rose, or on [url=https://www.patreon.com/pehesse] Patreon [/url] to support the creation of Pachacuti! If you have any questions or comments regarding either, feel free to get in touch and I'll be happy to help however I can![/b] Until then and above all, have fun, and thank you all!