Her Majesty's SPIFFING is a quaint graphic adventure game following the exploits of Captain Frank Lee English and his trusted regional accented colleague, Aled, as they travel through the cosmos in search of planets to claim for a new Galactic British Empire!
It's fair to say that, given how late in the year [i]Her Majesty's SPIFFING[/i] was released, that we've flew under the radar of most people's GOTY lists (can't think of any other reasons for being omitted)! :P
However, we're happy to announce that the lovely editorial team at [b][url=http://www.indiedb.com/features/editors-choice-indie-of-the-year-2016]IndieDB[/url][/b] have awarded [i]Her Majesty's SPIFFING[/i] with their [b][url=http://www.indiedb.com/features/editors-choice-indie-of-the-year-2016]2016 Creativity Award[/url][/b].
Winners of the Players Choice Awards will be announced later today so do keep your eye on the [b][url=http://www.indiedb.com]IndieDB website[/url][/b] for more information on top indie games.