⚙️ Hit-Reg Improvements & Much More ⚙️

Warhammer 40,000: Speed Freeks

Blaze into high-Orktane mayhem of clashing speedmobs, with adrenaline-fueled combat racing through the brutal Warhammer 40,000 universe. Drive ramshackle vehicles loaded with bombastic weapons and powerful abilities in a breakneck, full-throttle Speedwaaagh! to the death.

[b]Oi Speed Freeks,[/b] Today, we've released an update that addresses many player's top concerns. In our testing we've noticed significant improvements and we hope you will now too. Here are the details: [list] [*] Improvements to weapon and ability hit registration over the network [*] Improvements to aiming synchronization over the network [*] Optimized Shokkjump Dragsta Shokk rifle VFX to be much more performant. This might fix the stuttering issue during play for some people [*] Deffkilla Wartrike unlock challenge set to 50m kill proximity instead of 10m and improved kill proximity detection [*] Removed sound effect for PROS message of the day cycling [*] Reduced Stompa arm-mounted gatling gun knockback, increased damage slightly [*] Looted Wagon Grot Bomm damage reduced to 60 (from 70) [*] Boomdakka Snazzwagon Billowing Smoke duration decreased to 4 seconds (from 5), Mek speshul primary accuracy decreased slightly [*] Fix for saw sound effect not playing at recap progress. [*] Fix the remaining time display for daily challenges in the UI [*] Fix for daily challenges being reset [*] Burna Valley finish line time increased by 10 seconds [*] Changed Teef icon colour to yellow [*] Playtime bonus Scrap per minute increased to 575 (from 500) [*] Adding dialogue box confirmation when leaving the game during a match, which explains that teams are randomized in the next match and that Scrap gained from this match will be lost [*] Locked vehicles now shown at the KUSTOMIZE and in-game spawning screens, with message saying that they can be unlocked through challenges [*] Increased Latest Loot to 12 items in the store [*] Fixed challenges screen to work properly with 16:10 aspect ratio [*] Fixed audio issue where sound entered another, terrible dimension when set below 25% [*] Some audio mix adjustments and overall volume lowered 2 db since it was a bit loud [*] Vehicles now always have full boost when respawning [*] Explicitly added vehicle compatibility to item descriptions in the store [*] Increased available search window time for matchmaking [*] Various improvements to controller management to avoid conflicts [*] Added vehicle abilities screen to KUSTOMIZE menu [*] Fix for achievements with no rewards showing at the end of match recap. [*] Fix for challenge sets showing incomplete information at the end of match recap. [*] Bots now use dash and are more aggressive with their initial combat engagement[/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44159197/a9c04148e5c2b05df99b1ea46c5b553e77574520.png[/img] Some of the highest priority tasks we’re working on still:[list] [*] Fix issue with vehicle challenges seemingly resetting progress and not unlocking items [*] Fix issue with Teef not showing up after they have been unlocked through progression - If this has effected you try this: [url=https://playersupport.plaion.com/hc/articles/20848220459037]https://playersupport.plaion.com/hc/articles/20848220459037[/url] [*] Fixing an issue with Scrap Boosts not showing up after they have been unlocked through progression [*] Fixing issues with not being able to create/join a party and/or matchmake as a party [*] Making sure matchmaking puts you in your region (server provider issue – they are being contacted) [*] Improving matchmaking to make fewer but more full lobbies [*] Adding servers in Oceania, South America (server provider has been contacted to allow us to do this) [*] DeffKilla Wartrike front guns may fail to deal damage if a players ended a game in the wartrike and continues to use it in the next game without switching vehicle. Switching to another vehicle and then back to the trike solves this issue for that game. [*] Further improvements to netcode / hit-reg [/list] [b]Thank you for baring with us and all those who have helped us hone in on these issues. [/b] We're pleased with these additions and refinements. But of course, this is an on going process and we're looking forward to seeing your feedback and make future adjustments. Until then, Happy Krumping. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44159197/dbd893c65f8368bd20d219a94e8b62aac252bd67.png[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44159197/819aea0a53b2c46043e4b92571963cfeb3b348a5.png[/img] [b]Join our community-focused game development discussions on your favorite platform:[/b] [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2078450/discussions/]Steam Discussions[/url] [url=https://discord.com/invite/z5bF68vv4j]Discord[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/speedfreeks/]r/SpeedFreeks[/url] [url=https://speedfreeks40k.featureupvote.com/]Suggest Features & Report Bugs[/url] [url=https://to.plaion.com/speedfreeks40ksupport]Technical Support[/url] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2078450