Hero, Vehicle Updates & 10 Bug Fixes: Farlight 84 V2.3.1.1 Update Announcement

Farlight 84

1st Pet Capture Battle Royale!

Farlight 84 is scheduled for a quick hotfix on [UTC 2024/06/06]. There will be no downtime, and the update will be downloaded automatically. [h3]Hero Balance Adjustments[/h3] [b]Ember[/b] Adjusted the Tactical Skill—Phantom Drifter a. Reduced the windup time needed to enter Phantom Drifter status, and increased the skill's duration. b. Increased Ember's movement speed and automatic reload speed when in Phantom Drifter status. [b]Maychelle[/b] Adjusted the Ultimate—Ongoing Show. a. Optimized the jump height when jumping onto the stage from below to make reaching the stage easier. [h3]Battle Adjustments[/h3] [b]Vehicle Adjustments[/b] Based on your feedback and our observations, we noticed that entire squads often use vehicles to rush directly into close combat with enemies, which is difficult for solo players and incomplete squads to counter (imagine Ducksyde rushing you in a vehicle and using his ultimate). Additionally, since we introduced long-range weapon damage fall-off, vehicle survivability has increased, so adjustments are needed. We aim for vehicles to return to their core function of map traversal, rather than excessively influencing combat. To give defenders more counterplay options, we have made the following adjustments: 1. Reduced the number of vehicles on the map. 2. Reduced vehicle durability. 3. Passengers will take more damage when the vehicle is attacked. [b]Map Item Adjustments[/b] Optimized the visual effect of opening a Tactical Chest. [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] 1. Fixed an issue where the third wave of airdrop would not work properly in Sunset City and Lampton. 2. Fixed an issue where some Guardian Devices would clip after respawning. 3. Fixed an issue where you could enter vehicles while using a Revival Device. 4. Fixed the display issue of squadmate animation when reviving them next to their Loot Box. 5. Fixed an issue that affected the markers of Advanced Tactical Chests. 6. Fixed an issue that affected the display of certain keys in the Custom interface under Controller Settings. 7. Fixed an issue with overlapping text on the Jetpack interface. 8. Fixed the abnormal outline display of Sunil's robotic arm when using his UR Skin—Ancestral Decree. 9. Fixed the issue of mismatched season tier and tier points. 10. Fixed an issue where missions would not be displayed in the Lobby after using up all Daily Mission resets. Farlight 84