Hentai Tales: Another Fairy Tales is coming soon!

Hyper Hentai Elf Attendant

Hyper Hentai Elf Attendant is a relaxing puzzle game. With the theme of elf attendant and multiple unique sexy girls. Enjoy sexy girls pictures and relaxing music to complete the puzzle.

[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/42636073/8d5767221fabec890bbae5541c8bcc2eb95d146d.png[/img] This is a hentai tales series of hentai works. With the new diary system, you can enjoy the story now! [b]New game Hentai Tales: Another Fairy Tales is going to release![/b] You go to a library and you're doing a college research paper on fairy tales, When you open the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale book, you find that you have entered this fairy tale world. But this fairy tale seems to be different from the original one. What will happen there? [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/42636073/f7bdbb32ba91cedc041dbdd70a211a2c3ff99c78.png[/img] Stay tuned. Release Date: May 31st https://store.steampowered.com/app/2942930/Hentai_Tales_Another_Fairy_Tales/