Heidel Ball Recap 🏰

Black Desert

Played by over 20 million Adventurers - Black Desert Online is an open-world, action MMORPG. Experience intense, action-packed combat, battle massive world bosses, fight alongside friends to siege and conquer castles, and train in professions such as fishing, trading, crafting, cooking, and more!

[img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/aa35712213a20240621124902276.jpg[/img] Heidel Ball 2024 was held on June 22 in Beynac, France, which was the inspiration for Heidel. In this year’s Heidel Ball, we introduced [b]Land of the Morning Light - Seoul[/b], the new class [b]Dosa[/b], and various other update news! ٩(˘◊˘)۶ Here’s a recap of the ball to go over the highlights! Shall we begin? [h2][color=#64c1f9]⦿ 2024 Future Updates[/color][/h2] [h3][b]Land of the Morning Light - Seoul[/b][/h3] Land of the Morning Light - Seoul will soon be available to you to explore. What adventures await us in Seoul? Take a look at the trailer released during Heidel Ball 2024. [previewyoutube=6ThJGEQTGGI;full][/previewyoutube] [url=https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/News/Notice/Detail?groupContentNo=7162 style=button]Land of the Morning Light – Seoul GM Note[/url] [hr][/hr] [h3][b]New Class, Dosa[/b][/h3] Black Desert’s 28th class, Dosa, will be updated on July 3. Wielder of a massive Hwando and smoking pipe called Gombangdae! Check out Dosa in the official trailer! [previewyoutube=m755ABKXKZI;full][/previewyoutube] Appearing from the clouds, only to vanish with the fog – Dosa of Sangdo School. If you want to know more about Dosa, check out the GM note below. [url=https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/News/Notice/Detail?groupContentNo=7090 style=button]28th Class, Dosa GM Note[/url] * You can try out Dosa on the Global Lab on June 28. Details will be announced at a later date. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Palace Management[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/669c753a97820240622163423534.jpg[/img] Once you have completed all your adventures in the Land of the Morning Light - Seoul, several production nodes will be made available at the Gyeongbok Palace node, where unique materials can be obtained. What sets the Gyeongbok Palace production node apart from others is that it will have individual node levels. Increasing the level of a node will have many benefits, such as the greater chance of obtaining rare materials, or a change in the items that are produced. There will be various methods to raise the level of a node. This includes completing specific quests or retrieving items at the request of certain NPCs. One advantage of Palace Management is that it will offer automated Processing & Trade that adventurers usually do manually. From material production to the trading of items, if you have the proper process in place, adventurers will only need to sell the finished goods to vendors. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Primordial Weapons - Sovereign[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/ec084148ca520240622143929990.png[/img] The new, higher-grade weapon Sovereign will be released. Inspired by Dark Bonghwang from the Land of the Morning Light - Seoul chapter, Sovereign will initially be available first for both main and awakening weapons. There will be three main methods to craft Sovereign weapons. [b]First Method:[/b] Combine PEN (V) Blackstar weapon with Primordial Flame obtainable from the Black Shrine! [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/f689a0a844020240622143935756.jpg[/img] [b]Second Method:[/b] Combine TWO PEN (V) Blackstar weapons [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/a84b49aaad920240622143942962.png[/img] [b]Third Method:[/b] Combine PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon + Caphras Lv. 20 Boss Weapon + Gem of Twilight! [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/4cdc85d41d220240622143950225.png[/img] Sovereign weapons will have a total of 10 enhancement levels, which are as follows: [table equalcells=1][tr] [td]PRI (I)[/td] [td]DUO (II)[/td][/tr][tr] [td]TRI (III)[/td] [td]TET (IV)[/td][/tr][tr] [td]PEN (V)[/td] [td]HEX (VI)[/td][/tr][tr] [td]SEP (VII)[/td] [td]OCT (VIII)[/td][/tr][tr] [td]NOV (IX)[/td] [td]DEC (X)[/td][/tr][/table] Similar to other enhancement levels, the difficulty level will increase when approaching the final stages of enhancement, however it is designed to be a balanced system overall. Upon failure, the Ancient Anvil will also be applied to ensure guaranteed enhancement. Also, Sovereign weapons will allow adventurers to directly select their weapons’ desired effects. Up to 5 additional effects can be applied to the weapon, which lets adventurers tailor the effects of their weapon and set them to their needs. * J's Hammer of Loyalty cannot be used on the Sovereign weapons. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Get a PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/079d2854a2020240621155215677.gif[/img] With the addition of Primordial weapons, Sovereign, we will be giving out one PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon to support faster growth for adventurers. Details on how to obtain a PEN (V) Blackstar Weapon will be provided in a separate notice on June 26, 2024 (Wed). [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Summer Event[/b][/h3] This summer, Adventurers can look forward to a chaotic event featuring the Earfolks and Shellfolks from the Sea Palace and Papus and Otters at Terrmian Beach. Earfolks and Shellfolks, visiting Terrmian, will compete in a race against Papus and Otters, and engage in a series of events, including a showdown at the Sand Castle Crasher to see who comes out on top. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Summer Outfit - Badakka[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/b2e267f4a4420240621131827135.jpg[/img] A new summer outfit called Badakka will be released. The summer outfits for this year share the same overall look, but you can choose from a variety of different types. Female characters can combine shirts and bikinis. And these are not underwear so you can wear them wherever you want. [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/48c99c8dd0320240621131846164.jpg[/img] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/c45602623dd20240621131908268.jpg[/img] * More items, such as various hats, sunglasses, and dances to go with the outfit will be added to the Pearl Shop. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Jordine Saga[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/16cdd29ce6d20240621132121358.jpg[/img] Jordine Saga will be updated on June 26 for global regions and July 10 for console. Please look forward to it! [h2][b][color=#64c1f9]⦿ Black Desert’s Future and Beyond[/color][/b][/h2] [h3][b]Dehkia’s Lantern Tier 2[/b][/h3] Tier 2 will be added to existing Dehkia Lantern monster zones. Tier 2 is targeted to veteran adventurers, requiring a minimum gear score of 750. To ensure you don’t spend too much time in monster zones, Tier 2 will have related weekly quests. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Dehkia’s Lantern Tier 1 Monster Zones[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/0ac972a5eff20240621132154069.gif[/img] The following monster zones will be updated to support Dehkia's Lantern: [table equalcells=1][tr] [td]Cadry Ruins[/td] [td]Gyfin Rhasia Temple[/td][/tr][tr] [td]Crescent Shrine[/td] [td]Mirumok Ruins[/td][/tr][/table] [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Introducing the "Asadal" Accessories[/b][/h3] The Asadal accessories will be added, obtainable from the current Black Shrine and existing monster zones. Asadal accessories, on par with the Tungrad accessories, have unique skills that can be activated when equipped, much like Taebaek's Belt. [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/5a62eec97a120240621132211467.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Guild Trait System[/b][/h3] Guilds can now choose their preferred "Trait." Guild traits are divided into three categories: PvP, PvE, and Life Skill, allowing guilds to align with their chosen path. Selecting a trait lets your guild accumulate related fame, unlocking benefits and honor elements based on your fame. Guild tiers will also be distinguished depending on the accumulated Fame of a guild, which can then be utilized as MMR in Node/Conquest Wars. (Note that selecting a trait that is not PvP will not prevent your participation in Node/Conquest Wars.) Guilds that achieve the highest tier will receive honorable rewards which notably includes the guild mount the Black Dragon. [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/7e4890fc76820240622163445113.gif[/img] ▲ The "Black Dragon" will be the ultimate honor reward for top-tier PvP guilds. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Hardcore Server Season 1[/b][/h3] A Hardcore server, where you cannot play for a while when you die, will be added. You start at level 60 on the Hardcore server, and you can only equip distributed items, which start you off at 230 AP and 280 DP. You can enhance these up to 260 / 300 without much difficulty. Also, you cannot see each other’s Family names, can’t form parties, and chatting is unavailable,PvP is always activated, so you can attack anyone you wish. If you die, you are considered to have been heavily wounded and sent to jail and can only escape after you’ve accumulated enough rest points. The Hardcore server will be seasonal with an exclusive ranking system, where you can earn special character effects and exclusive titles with different colors. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Console - PS5 Version Update[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/072b916439720240621132314645.gif[/img] The update for the next generation of devices for console adventurers is finally here. Overall, the effects, texture quality, LOD levels have all been improved, which enhances the quality of long-distance views. Loading speed has also been improved, allowing the map to load further distances, which is expected to greatly reduce the inconveniences experienced when moving quickly. The most noticeable improvement will be in frame rate, allowing you to enjoy Black Desert much more smoothly than before. The development of the PS5 version of Black Desert is currently progressing smoothly, and we expect to inform adventurers about the application timing along with the final test in December. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Mountain of Dawn Break[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/4fbbc4be8c520240621132339097.jpg[/img] In the still undiscovered southern region of the Mountain of Eternal Winter, a sequel known as Mountain of Dawn Break is being prepared. Content that challenges your limits is planned, such as a 100-floor dungeon, along with stories following Caphras. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]Demon Land[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/41d2456433420240621132353852.jpg[/img] The region that will be revealed after the Mountain of Dawn Break is Demon Land. Unlike general regions, the Demon Land is being developed to appear as one massive castle. Here, you can explore every corner of the colossal fortress and embark on adventures that challenge you with new combat styles. [hr][/hr] [h3][b]The Start of a New Adventure - Black Desert’s Past[/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/285517d516a20240621132434836.jpg[/img] ▲ The greenery of Valencia from thousands of years ago Once you have completed your adventure to the Demon Land, all areas of the Black Desert world will have been revealed. From then on, you will embark on a new adventure into a completely different world. Through the Magnus, you will be transported to the Black Desert world as it was thousands of years in the past. Here, you will explore new lands that cannot be found in the current Black Desert world, like the ancient grasslands of Valencia and a massive underwater city like Atlantis. You will delve deep into the historical Black Desert world, with the presence of the Black Spirit, and the wisdom of the Ancients, leading to an adventure unfolding into a grand story. [hr][/hr] [h3][b][color=#64c1f9]⦿ 2024 Heidel Ball Gifts[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/NAEU/Upload/News/775edaf987320240621132449269.jpg[/img] [img]https://s1.pearlcdn.com/KR/Upload/News/c21025d04bc20240621170840160.jpg[/img] ▲ Check out the gifts prepared with thanks from the Heidel Ball. [h3][b][color=#64c1f9]⦿ See Heidel Ball 2024 Events and Coupons[/color][/b][/h3] [url=https://www.naeu.playblackdesert.com/News/Notice/Detail?groupContentNo=7151 style=button][NAEU][/url] [url=https://blackdesert.pearlabyss.com/asia/en-US/ShutDown/CloseTime?_shutDownNo=177 style=button][SEA][/url] [url=https://www.tr.playblackdesert.com/en-US/News/Detail?groupContentNo=10736 style=button][MENA][/url]