Heat Death Open Beta Available Now!

Heat Death: Survival Train

Heat Death is a sci-fi survival game where you can build, upgrade, and customize your battle train to explore and survive a frozen world! This train is not only your shelter and vehicle, but also your weapon and ally to face hostile drones, deadly storms, and hidden mysteries of an unknown world!

Hello & Welcome! In this very first blog post of "Heat Death: Survival Train" on Steam, we will tell you a quick description about Heat Death and also a brief history of it. If you just want the links, skip to the last paragraph "How to learn more?". Please follow along, join the community and subscribe to our socials to get the latest videos and news about Heat Death and its updates. [b]. What is Heat Death?[/b] Heat Death is a sci-fi survival game where you can build your train and explore a frozen world! This train is not only your base but also your vehicle and weapon! #Gameplay You will explore a vast world with different biomes and weather conditions. You can craft and customize your train with various compartments and attachments. You must survive deadly storms, hostile bots and drones. Discover the planet’s secrets and the lore behind it. Heat Death is being developed using Unreal Engine 5 and offers stunning graphics only possible on latest version of engine. #Environment Heat Death takes place on an Eyeball planet, which is tidally locked to its star. One side of the planet always faces the star, and the other is always dark! Your goal is to travel to the dark side of this planet! [b]. How heat death started? [/b] The idea of a mobile-base survival game was on mind of our co-founder for a couple of months, until the first designs came to life in late 2022. Our indie team - with previous experience on mobile titles - was founded and the alpha version of demo was playable on itch.io in mid 2023. Heat Death received couple of updates and by the end of 2023, the first public demo was live on Steam. Since then, the updates have continued on two separate channels on Steam. One for the [i]"Beta"[/i] version of demo and another for the [i]"Public"[/i] version of demo.[b][/b] The beta updates are gradually pushed to the public channel as they are getting polished and bug-fixed. [b]. What is the current status?[/b] Today we are publishing the new beta version openly, meaning that everyone can join and try it. This open beta has been worked on for a few months in the closed beta channel. For instructions on how to join the open beta, please follow along our next post here on Steam. [b]. What's good?[/b] Not only Heat Death is participating in Steam's Next Fest of June, but we have been chosen by Steam to be in the official Next Fest content produced and streamed by Steam. We are giving away more exclusive content during the Next Fest which begins on 11th of June 2024. Join our Discord server from [url=https://discord.gg/WH8RCvcnUQ]this link[/url] for more news on this. [b]. What's next?[/b] The next phase after demo, will be an early access on Steam, which will be available sometime after the Next Fest and will include updates on a lot of things e.g. the environment, map and story. [b]. How to learn more? [/b] First, get a first-hand experience by downloading the free demo and playing it for yourself. You can get it from: [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2662780/Heat_Death_Survival_Train/]https://store.steampowered.com/app/2662780/Heat_Death_Survival_Train/[/url] or searching the steam for "Heat Death: Survival Train". Also make sure to join our Discord server from this link: [url=https://discord.gg/WH8RCvcnUQ]https://discord.gg/WH8RCvcnUQ[/url] On Discord, we post latest news and also the latest videos and live streams our community is continuously making about Heat Death. Also subscribe to the official YouTube channel to get the latest trailers and gameplays straight from the development team. Subscribe from: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@HeatDeathGame]https://www.youtube.com/@HeatDeathGame[/url] We hope to see you soon on our socials. Stay tuned for more blog post and updates.