Have You Played Star Wars: Dark Forces? | STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995) | Gamehypes

Have You Played Star Wars: Dark Forces?

STAR WARS™ Dark Forces (Classic, 1995)

Behind a veil of secrecy the evil Empire is creating a doomsday army - one that, if finished, will become the final cog in the Empire's arsenal of terror and domination. Your Mission? Join the Rebel Alliance's covert operations division, infiltrate the Empire.

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Dark Forces was the first of the Star Wars FPS shooters and one I always felt was unfairly eclipsed by the (admittedly superior) Jedi Knight. Dark Forces bucked a lot of the trends that came before and a lot that would follow: it’s huge, sprawling levels seemed more life-like and realistic than what we’d seen in run-and-gun games like Doom and its imitators.
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