Have You Played #SelfieTennis?


#SelfieTennis is a sandbox game where you play tennis with yourself. When you hit the ball over the net, you teleport to the other side and hit it back to get points. But once you start spanking the wonky Ball People around the court, things start to get really weird!

Some might say this VR lark is all a bit of a fad. Those someones, however, haven’t played #SelfieTennis. It was one of the first games released for the HTC Vive back in the heady days of 2016, and goodness me I was absolutely sold the minute I put on the headset. If you’re the owner of a pair of VR cybergoggles but don’t have a copy of #SelfieTennis, I recommend you rectify that situation as soon as possible, because this is arguably the most fun you’ll ever have in VR.
