Have You Played Bionic Dues? | Bionic Dues | Gamehypes

Have You Played Bionic Dues?

Bionic Dues

Bionic Dues is a tactical, turn-based roguelite with mech customization. Out-think wide-ranging tactical situations featuring robots with bad GPS, terrible aim, insecurity, a lack of focus, a tendency to backstab, and dozens of other maladies to exploit.

Have You Played? is an endless stream of game recommendations. One a day, every day of the year, perhaps for all time.

Bionic Dues [official site] is yet another Arcen game that I initially bounced off so hard it might as well have been a trampoline attached to a giant spring riding a pogo stick. It’s a…roguelike mech game? No. It’s a puzzle game? No. It’s Bionic Dues.

… [visit site to read more]