HASTE Dev Blog #1

HASTE: Broken Worlds

Run fast, leap through the air, and perfect your landings as you try again and again to make your way through an infinite number of worlds falling apart behind you!

Hello everyone! This is not really "Dev Blog Nr 1" since a lot of you have been following along with HASTE's development on [url=https://twitter.com/LandfallGames]Twitter[/url] and [url=https://www.tiktok.com/@landfallgames?lang=en]TikTok[/url] for the last two years but now that we are on Steam we thought we'd do these summaries every now and then. Recently we tested out a new ability for one of our characters - The Courier. When you make good landings in the game you get energy that can activate a board which becomes more powerful after you use it for more than 2 seconds at a time. [previewyoutube=KVDJEwBOwaI;full][/previewyoutube] We're also testing out a roguelite mode for the game! Since the summer we switched the game's focus from a BR game to focus more on what makes the game fun - running. We like this direction and hope to flesh it out even more in the months to come. We recorded a run for you below: [previewyoutube=kM_01ddxSic;full][/previewyoutube] Please keep in mind that these are development videos and a lot can change between now and the release of the game. In the future we hope to have some kind of alpha test to gather feedback for the game, you can sign up for it at [url=runfastgame.com]runfastgame.com[/url]