Harmony in the Wild - Demo Build Version 1.1

Fox Game

Embark on a magical journey as a young fox in Harmony in the Wild, an enchanting open-world adventure where nature's balance is in your paws. Explore vibrant forests, navigate icy terrains and unravel the secrets of dying nature through various quests to restore harmony back to your new home.

Harmony in the Wild - Demo Build Version 1.1 Changes: [list] [*] VFX added for Abilities like charge jump and freezing and Overworld [*] NPCs added to Overworld (Deer, Penguins) [*] Tutorial and Minimap updated [*] Tree of Life added [*] Menu Reworked [*] Updated dialogues [*] Overall quest improvements [*] New OST updates [*] New storylines [*] Overall overworld improvements [*] Demo build content updates, limited some functionalities [/list]