Hard Mode is now available!


Trigo is a first-person precision platformer. Trapped in the simulation, you must use your special jump boosts and freeze ability to parkour through the levels, collect all three required cores, and open the final portal. Master the leaderboards or play at a slower pace, just make your way out.

[h1]Hard Mode Update[/h1] [h2]Update Description:[/h2] [list] [*]Switched to Steam Leaderboards -this has led to a complete Leaderboard scores reset -we've removed the Create New Username UI since Leaderboards will display Steam Profile Names [*]Added a Hard Mode Chapter that unlocks 10 brand new level with an increased difficulty -this mode unlocks if you reach at least Level 4-1 -this mode introduces a different Boss in the final level of the Chapter -this mode introduces a new Piece, a red one, that needs to be collected in "X" time or the player dies [*]Added 3 new obstacles, including a new type of laser which kills the player [*]Added the option to delete Save Files from the Settings Menu [*]Removed the Best Time UI from Level Select and Level Complete UIs [*]Fixed a bug that allowed players to spam Restart + Freeze Ability to gain movement speed at the beginning of the level [*]Fixed a bug that caused Level 7-1 to not save correctly nor show +/- time stats [/list]