--The way it was, Just like it is now, On a bright, bright summer day. "That's a promise, right?" The girl in a white dress said. Sunny sky. A paper plane slid across it, riding on blue winds.
Thank you for taking interest :12paperplane:
will include four short visual novels. Now we released the first one . The other three stories will be released later as DLC.
Among the four “seasons”, is “chapter summer”. It may take about 40-60 min to finish this chapter. It’s small, but we take it very serious. It has 40+ CGs, 5 achievements and two endings. There are also 4 wallpapers and 6 emoji icons for community.
Of course, we have more plans for this year. [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/347620][/url]’s new content is under development. New titles will come to green light in next several months.
Have a nice Pi! :12hat: