[b]Spooky Salutations![/b]
[b]Happy Halloween conscripts![/b] Heed our warning however, and celebrate with caution as the veil between worlds is at its thinnest during Halloween so, one must be on guard in order to prevent being tainted by the Ink of Ruin!
With that being said, as long as you are knowledgeable on what to look out for, you can protect yourself and your teammates as you venture into the labyrinths. So let's share some of the main things to be aware of on your haunting endeavours.
[h3][b]Inky Miasma[/b][/h3]
One of the [b]tell tale signs there is a yōkai nearby[/b] is a [b]cloud of inky miasma[/b]. You can tell the potential strength of your enemy by the colour of the miasma too. If the [b]cloud is black[/b] then it is a [b]regular yōkai[/b], however if the cloud is red then you need to approach with caution. [b]Red clouds[/b] are for the [b]more powerful alpha yōkai[/b] that often have many yōkai underlings so it is likely to be a hard fought battle if you are not ready for it. Make sure you pick your battles wisely with this information!
[h3][b]Punishing Pitfalls[/b][/h3]
Each labyrinth you enter will likely have [b]traps[/b] to be aware of, one of which are[b] pitfalls[/b]. Fall in and you will [b]incur damage[/b] on your teammates! Some may be [b]disguised with fog[/b] or miasma so be sure to always [b]carry torches[/b] to light your path clearly.
There are also some pitfalls that can be [b]covered with vines[/b] which will [b]entangle you and turn you around[/b] causing you not only damage, but also to [b]become lost[/b] and that is the last thing you want inside an enemy labyrinth!
[h3][b]Ghostly Encounters[/b][/h3]
Yōkai are not your only thing to worry about, with the veil between worlds practically non-existent during Halloween, be prepared to encounter [b]ghostly individuals[/b] too. Whether they are harmless or not though remains to be seen, so keep your wits about you! Not all of your potential enemies within the labyrinths are there to hurt you...some are simply unlucky with their fate and wish to be left alone and some may even ask for assistance - in which case it is best to stay on their good side where possible!
[b]Enjoy your Halloween celebrations[/b] wherever you are in the world conscripts and stay safe in the labyrinths!