Happy Anniversary! Game of the Year! And Romanian and Ukrainian Subtitles Now Available!

Forgotton Anne

Step into a hand-animated realm of wonder in which everyday objects take on a life of their own. Uncover the Forgotlings’ mysteries & harness magical forces as you embark upon a quest to return home.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31720645/b2d3c804fb49828ebaeede30c423e6dff8d8ea6f.gif[/img] In honor of [i]Forgotton Anne[/i]’s 1 Year Anniversary, the game has been updated with Romanian and Ukrainian subtitles, and some pre-rendered cutscenes have been made skippable, in addition to minor polishes and optimizations. Also, at the National Danish Game Awards, Forgotton Anne took home Best Debut, Best Visual Design, and Game of the Year!