Hannibal: Terror of Rome and Parthian Wars are now available on Steam with a special discount!

Alea Jacta Est

“ALEA JACTA EST” (The Die is Cast) is what Caesar said as he crossed the Rubicon River when he learned that the Senate had removed him from his command. Crossing that small Italian river was equivalent to disobeying Rome’s orders and entering into open rebellion in this historical turn-based strategy wargame .

[i]“Carthago Delenda Est” – Carthage must be destroyed[/i] (Cato the Elder) Roman civilization had to face many dangerous threats over the course of its long history, but probably none of them were so mortal and perilous a threat as the Carthaginian and the Parthian Empires. Now you have the chance to relive this vibrant ancient world as [b][url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/397380/]Hannibal: Terror of Rome[/url][/b] and [b][url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/397381/]Parthian Wars[/url][/b] are finally coming to Steam! Make the right diplomatic and economic decisions through 9 detailed historical scenarios and use the powers of your legions, elephants and cataphracts to switch the balance of power in your favour with these two great operational games! To celebrate this important milestone, we are discounting the entire [url=http://store.steampowered.com/sub/77138/]Alea Jacta Est series[/url] for a full week! For the next seven days, the base game plus all expansions and the full DLC package will be [b]25% discounted![/b] [i]Hannibal: Terror of Rome and Parthian Wars on Steam are DLCs of [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/313660/]Alea Jacta Est[/url] and require the base game to be played[/i] Along with the discount, we are releasing a [b]patch that upgrades Alea Jacta Est, Birth of Rome and Hannibal Terror of Rome to the version 1.05![/b] Check the changelog [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/313660/discussions/0/481115363877251309/]here![/url]