Halloween Sale! All older games 50% off + some games with highest discounts so far

Queen Of Thieves

Play as Joanne, Kira and Thalia in this dating sim/RPG. Explore the catacombs and do robberies across the town of Ahkra. Meet 6 characters for a total of 12 possible different romances!

Hi everyone, like all years, the seasonal sales have arrived! Wishing you a spooky Halloween. Here's a sneak picture from the new Tales From The Under-Realm game likely coming next year to set the mood: [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/2717761/284ce4c0bbdfce6a01f26f917b97c5693eed70e8.png[/img] All my older games are discounted 50% off, but there are three games with their highest discount ever so far: My latest RPG Planet Stronghold 2 is discounted 50%: https://store.steampowered.com/app/857200/Planet_Stronghold_2/ And Volleyball Heaven by 30%: https://store.steampowered.com/app/618010/Volleyball_Heaven/ Lastly, Tales From The Under-realm: Hazel released in March this year is 20% off for the first time as well: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1394550/Tales_From_The_UnderRealm_Hazel/