Halloween Contest : Win a copy of Devil's Dare!

Devil's Dare 悪魔の挑戦

Devil's Dare is bloody a smash up parody of everything from the 90s, pitting the manliest video game heroes against the badest monsters from your favorite horror movies. It's the final result of what would happen if everyone from that decade came together to create a baby, a baby that just so happens to grow up to be a beat'em up.

[img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/279580/extras/Beat'em_Art.JPG?t=1414406290[/img] After years of sweat, tears and pixels, Devil's Dare is finally here on Steam! In celebration of the release and the Halloween season, we are hosting a Halloween contest! All you have to do is to either tweet us a photo of your Halloween costume, or your drawing of a zombified iconic game/movie character. Follow us and share it on twitter with #devilsdare! Even if you already own a copy of the game, join in and have fun! Win an additional copy to trade it off with a friend! TOTAL OF 10 COPIES TO BE WON! 1. Awarded to top 5 most beautiful. 2. Awarded to top 5 most ridiculous. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Take a photo of your Halloween costume or draw a zombified version of an iconic game/movie character. 2. Include the link www.devilsdare.com 3. Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/secretbaseSG 4. Tweet the photo/artwork with #devilsdare and include @secretbaseSG in the tweet. 5. Deadline : 31st October 2014 NOTE 1. Winners will be announced and awarded on 2nd November 2014. 2. Artworks will be judge by Secret Base. 3. While there are no age-restrictions, priority will be given to students. 4. Note that this is all done in good will and trust in the gamers community, so please do not send in artwork that does not belong to you. 5. May the odds be forever in your favor! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Here are the winners! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [img]http://bitejacker.secretbase.com.sg/DDareArt_Thumb.PNG[/img] The prize has already been sent out to the respective winners via Twitter so please remember to check it. I'd appreciate if you guys could put it up on the community hub too to share it with the rest of the guys here :)