

Like the song says, good guys finish last, and in this case, they also finish homeless and on fire. Welcome to Zombidle, Berzerk Studio's newest idle game, or tap game; whatever, you do you, man.

Yooo everyone, time for the best time of the eyar, HALLOWEEN BOOOOO On top of the seasonal event, we added some new things, because that's what we do: [b]A NEW FRIEND YOU HAVEN'T MET YET[/b] [list] [*]Maurice the friendly fiend can be found somewhere in the world [*]Maurice offers bounties for you to complete for rewarding rewards [*]Once uncovered, Maurice will chill in Hell, find him there! [/list] [b]New selfphone[/b] [list] [*]Selfphone is now 33% prettier [/list] [b]Stuff[/b] [list] [*]Removed the hard cap on seasonal currency that was implemented last update [*]Chest Collector can now collect the third chest in W2 [*]Bob will now wake to cast Sloth Form [/list] That's it for this week, if you need to get ahold of us for some reason, get at [url=https://twitter.com/lachhh]@lachhh[/url] & [url=https://twitter.com/kojaktsl]@Kojak[/url] on twitter, join our [url=http://discord.gg/berzerkstudio]Discord[/url], or post your laments over on [url=http://reddit.com/r/zombidle]reddit[/url], all bug reports or lost things should be directed at feedback@zombidle.com Ya'll have a wonderful weekend filled with pumpkin spice themed things or something, I wouldn't know I don't touch any of that stuff.