GUTS is available - and 20% Off!


GUTS is a hilarious ultra-violent Tarantino-style over-the-top game where players must dismember each other. The fight continues even when there are just two little stumps, and it keeps going until one fighter emerges victorious after dismembering all the opponent’s four limbs!

[h1]GUTS IS RELEASED![/h1] [img][/img] GUTS is finally here! And it can be purchased with 20% off until next Monday! [url=] Buy GUTS on Steam![/url] Enjpy all the fun of the comedy and gory dismemberment with all of the game's unique features! [list] [*] Unique dismemberment mechanics - fight with what you've got [*] Fun gameplay for every player - even if you have no skill at all [*] 9 unique, diverse and hilarious characters with rich background stories [*] 8+ hours of single-player gameplay to unlock all 18 endings - 2 per characters [*] Online Gameplay - enjoy with your friends [*] Esports approach with tournaments and prizes [*] Original soundtrack dynamically adapts to limbs left in a match [*] Several funny party game modes [*] Use the environment to chop off limbs [*] Master the U-Point system to reach the next level of gameplay [*] Tons of unlockable stuff in the extras [*] 5 unique Stages with 3 different settings and hazard layouts to create 15 unique experiences [/list] Grab yours right now and welcome to GUTS!