Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son is a competent VR sequel to the beloved movie

Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son

You’re stuck in a time loop as Phil Connors, Jr., back in Punxsutawney for Groundhog Day in this virtual reality game set in the world of the iconic hit movie. Solve puzzles and interact with branching narrative gameplay, to break the time-loop cycle to escape into tomorrow.

This week has been one of those really busy weeks where I desperately could have used an extra day or two in order to get all my chores done. One of those things I'd have liked to have found the time to finish wasn't actually a chore though, I'm talking about my play-through of Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son on PSVR.

You can watch me experience the first couple of days of Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son in this week's episode of Ian's VR Corner, but be warned; this game is a lot ruder than the 1993 movie, with F-bombs a-plenty and an early morning surprise that popped up when I least expected it.

The first couple of hours of Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son seem to do an excellent job of capturing the vibe of the original movie. As I mentioned earlier, there's an extra layer of adult humour in here that some may find jarring, but look past that and you'll find a game that obviously loves its source material.

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