Ground Pounders Early Access Update 14: Where In The World Is Update 13?

Ground Pounders

Ground Pounders is a turn-based, strategy wargame. Inspired by classic strategy games like Panzer General, and steeped in the lore of the Sword of the Stars universe, Ground Pounders offers a new generation of gamers an updated taste of turn-based strategic warfare.

Lets just say, for the sake of argument, I neglected to post the 13th update and changelog because of superstition... and not oafish forgetfulness. I've posted them below. Urg. In my defence, [url=]Kickstarting takes a lot of work[/url]! There's only one of me! And they won't let me Kickstart for another me! As has been said, we're in the final push to final release - some of you have asked for a time-frame and on the one hand I want to say that this point, more than any other, is exactly when we want it to be ready when it's ready, so we're not rushing things. And at the same time, without commitment to a date, in the next couple of weeks. Playtesting is critical right now! Thank you for all the feedback and bug notes! Critical:[list] [*]Fixed exit game CTD [*]Fixed CTD from air units not docking correctly [*]Fixed audio crash [*]Fixed CTD when removing a spawned unit [*]Fixed victory point turn count not being saved [*]Fixed units spotted by recon not hiding at the start of the turn [*]Enabled spawning air units and ships in any combat [*]Enabled purchasing and upgrading to air units and ships [/list] Other:[list] [*]Fixed AI playing recon card when the player's cards or space superiority cards are disabled [*]Fixed supply transport linking [*]Fixed requesting div command unit when there is a div command unit on the field [*]AI update [*]AI not to move Air Supply units on top of enemy bases [*]Fixed unit placement UI [/list] Beta 0.1.3319 Critical:[list] [*]Fixed CTD when attacking air base [*]Fixed quit crash [*]Fixed AI not using air units for combat support [*]Fixed being able to surface in on an invalid hex [*]Fixed MP freezes due to structures getting constantly revealed [*]Fixed text input placement on mac [*]Changes to AI attacking [/list] Other:[list] [*]Fixed (patch) fix AI "yo yo" action [*]AI tuning update with air units [*]Fixed moving off of victory points causes the victory point to go back to neutral [*]Added profile name syntax to savegames [*]Added notification for when you have pending friend requests [*]Fixed card tray sometimes showing AI hand [/list] Beta 0.1.3284