Griefhelm Patch 1


Griefhelm is an award-winning party game with lethal medieval weaponry. Skewer your friends, deflect their blows, and push your advantage in local and online multiplayer. Find some friends and cut off their heads!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/36009657/ce26ac2de9eaa9bc1edf82fce227cb982f64519c.png[/img] Griefhelm Patch 1 is now live. Thanks to all our players for helping us find and understand these issues. Notes are below, as well as notes for our future patches. Please see our content calendar for larger content updates! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Notes: [list] [*] Fixed instances where remapping keyboard controls would lock the player out of using or remapping certain inputs. [*] A V-Sync option has been added to the Video Options menu. [*] Campaign starts with 5 lives instead of 3. [*] Added turning into “last stand” mode when losing all health in horde on campaign mode. [*] Players begin obstructing one another slightly farther away - this is to reduce player “hugging”. [*] The effect that ice has on the player has been reduced. [*] AI jumping is now better in fights. [*] Enhanced lighting on Crypts for added visibility. [*] New network error notifications. [*] Shoves and kicks have a greater effect on opponents to allow for more consistent follow-up attacks. [*] Woods foreground elements reduced and resized. [*] Q and E no longer change the direction that you face - this was to allow keyboard users more flexibility in the control schemes. [*] Adversaries should now appear more consistently after encounters and campaign. [/list] Known Bugs and Improvements (We’re Working On): [list] [*] Online issue with joining lobbies (players don’t appear in the lobby or in the game, either temporarily or permanently). [*] Campaign typos (fixed soon). [*] AI navigation improvements [*] Reports of defeating an adversary not unlocking equipment - looking into this. [*] Declining the tutorial doesn’t remove the notification for it when entering game modes. [*] Direction swap is now mappable for keyboard users - not working. [*] Resolution Controls! [*] Netcode improvements across the board. [*] Messaging for online play: communicating kicking, host shutting down a server, etc. [*] Weapon balancing and hit zones. [*] Working on making multiplayer sessions count towards adversary unlocks. [/list]