🌟 Greenhouse, Labyrinth Improvements, and Important Fixes! 🌟

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45129068/ea86c09b895c9f7cfba1957ce79d2e40e950aaa6.png[/img] I’m excited to announce the new update for [b]Planet IX![/b] Here are the main new features and improvements: [b]🌱 New Features:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Greenhouse in the Base:[/b] You can now build a greenhouse directly from the Central PC within your base. Plant and take care of your crops without needing a water treatment station! [/list] [b]⛏️ Labyrinth Improvements:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Minerals:[/b] More valuable minerals are now found more frequently early in the game, making your progress easier. [/list] [b]🔧 Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Clock Saving:[/b] Fixed the issue with incorrect saving of the game’s clock data. [*] [b]Xbox Controller:[/b] Resolved the issue where items weren’t being discarded correctly with the Xbox controller. You can now throw items away without any problems! [*] [b]Seeds:[/b] Fixed the problem where seeds weren’t being consumed during planting. [*] [b]Machinery:[/b] Fixed the use of machinery within the base. [*] In addition to these changes, I’ve made several other minor fixes to improve your gaming experience. [/list] Thank you to all the players for your continued support! As a solo developer, I’m working daily to enhance the game and prepare a new territory for your adventures. If you haven’t rated the game yet, I kindly ask that you leave a review. Steam only updates the game’s visibility with at least 10 reviews. Your help is essential! [b]Thank you and enjoy Planet IX![/b] 🚀✨