Great Success - Trailer Music.

Factotum 90

You’re in deep space and something’s collided with the ship. Main power is offline and you’re trapped. It’s lucky you have access to this walker control terminal. It’s a little old but with these two robots and some clever thinking you might be able to get power back online and save the day.

Hi Everyone, I've had a couple of requests to know more about the music that plays over the credits / is heard in the trailer for Factotum 90. It's an original piece of music composed by a roving band of sailors and musicians. It's called 'Great Success' and isn't currently available anywhere online. To rectify this I've added the original song as an MP3 to the game's files. You can find it where the binary lives. I hope you're all enjoying the game! Thanks, Thom. (Lead Developer, TACS Games)