Golden Fall 2 might release soon.

Golden Fall 2

Golden Fall 2 is a single character dungeon crawl RPG focused on exploration of an engaging and diverse world. Combat follows a simultaneous turn-based system inspired by roguelikes.

Hello Everyone, This is Ofer, the developer of Golden Fall 2. [h2]Annoucement[/h2] I am happy to announce that all 10 levels of Golden Fall 2 are done. The final boss is the pinnacle of the game, I have tested it with the warrior and wizard build, and it's really fun. I still have work. Fixing issues, Polishing, Translations. However, gameplay wise, the game is 99% complete. [h2]What's coming soon[/h2] I don't want to set anything in stone, but these are what I think is predicted. The game will consist of 10 levels of varying lengths. It will cost 6USD. It is expected to be released within the next 3 months, maybe even earlier. You will traverse many types of environment. Hot and cold. Outdoor and inside deep dungeons. You will meet many friendly characters on the way. And there will be many ferocious enemies. Also there are going to be quite some riddles. Regarding the translation, at first there might be only English and Hebrew. I will make an effort to translate to other languages as well though. [h2]Reviews by your favourite reviewer[/h2] I would like you to post a reply, which reviewer you would like to review the game. If you don't mind, you can also try to ask that reviewer to contact me. That might help, but it's not required. I will try to get a review from the reviewers you will post here. I will also open a discussion in the community about which reviewers you want to see review the game. [h2]Discussion to post the reviewers you want to see.[/h2] [h3] Any question you have, ask here or in the discussions. Or in my support email.[/h3]