Going Rogue event and demo!


Ruggnar is a platformer without enemies, but many traps are hidden in the darkness. Help Ruggnar explore gloomy places with his bag and a few candles as his sole equipment.

Ruggnar is participating at the Going Rogue event organized by Steam. For this particular occasion we've put Ruggnar's demo live again! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/37917423/014de8e9b17850848ef1f55efad30062f88d635b.png[/img] Help Ruggnar explore gloomy places with his bag and a few candles as his sole equipment! Every demo feedback is appreciated so don't refrain doing so :) Don't forget to wishlist and follow Ruggnar to get the latest news! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1303050/Ruggnar/