GGnZ Update - Community Update

Girls Guns and Zombies

Girls Guns & Zombies is exactly that, girls with guns shooting zombies. While, having some poolside fun in between. Scavenge the ruined city overrun by the undead, collect resources and throw a party for the girls!

Hello everybody, We are happy to announce that GGnZ update is here! In this update we address the items that were brought forward by the community. Please refer to the update notes for more details. [h1]Update Notes[/h1] [h3]Added:[/h3] * New weapon stats display in armory [h3]Adjusted:[/h3] * Weapon selections will now be remembered * Ammo spawns now have an increased initial spawn chance [h3]Fixes:[/h3] * Multiple graphical fixes to GUI We are looking forward to your feedback! Thank you.