Get ready to be 8AD 4SS!

Strawberry Chocolate: Miner 8AD 4SS

The Strawberry Chocolate is your ship. You are a top asteroid miner. Is a hostile ecosystem of predator slugs a concern? Of course not. In this action RPG, get out there and hunt for all the different minerals you need and destroy any predators that get in your way. You are a Miner Badass.

You know you want to get stuck on a mineral rich, slug predator heavy asteroid in the middle of nowhere. In this short demo for Strawberry Chocolate: Miner 8AD 4SS, your wait is finally over. In this experience, you'll have to balance your hard valuable material collecting with staying alive against very persistent alien slug creatures. Depending on whether you see yourself as a tourist or a hardened mineral miner, you'll find the task exciting but challenging. Even more, you may find yourself tied into something much larger than what you originally thought. Pick your difficulty level and get mining!