Get Prison Boss VR for free by supporting Jousting Time on Kickstarter!

Prison Boss VR

Prison Boss VR is a crafting and trading game turning your VR space into a jail cell! Craft cigarettes, alcohol and cookies for other inmates! Customize your cell as your reputation grows! Earn cash until you can’t store it anymore and become the Prison Boss!

Hey everyone! To thank our backers and show our commitment to our new project, Jousting Time, we're excited to announce that [b]we are giving away Prison Boss VR for free to everyone pledging over 20 CA$ [/b](Early Champion and up) ! All existing Early Champion backers and up will also get a copy. Steam keys will be sent by email at the end of the campaign if the funding goal is reached. [img][/img] [url=]Check out Jousting Time on Kickstarter[/url] to learn more about the project! Jousting Time was featured at PAX East 2018 in Boston and [b]won Marooner’s Rock Team Choice Award[/b]. We were thrilled with the reception from everyone who got to try it ! [img][/img] If you want to see more about the game, [url=]PSVRFrank[/url] and [url=]RealityCheckVR[/url] got to try the game at PAX East and [url=]made a video about their experience[/url]. That was great to meet them ! Make sure to follow Jousting Time on your favorite social media : [url=]Facebook[/url] [url=]Twitter[/url] [url=]Instagram[/url]