General improvements to levels

Venture's Gauntlet VR

Obsessed with his family's legacy, aging billionaire Adam Venture is looking for a capable heir to the Venture name and fortune. His only requirement? The skill and tenacity to overcome a series of deadly obstacle courses known as: Venture’s Gauntlet

Today's update mostly focus on fixing map bugs, respawn issues, aiming to improve general flow and polish. Changes: [list] [*] Indoor areas should now be rain free. [*] Some obstacles can't be walked upon (swings, monkey bars). [*] General light fixes for night time scenarios. [*] Adjusted glow on non hostile archery targets. [*] Shields have now discovered gravity. [*] Section 3: [list] [*] Fix on lasers stopping too soon on initial moving platform. [*] Fix on circular lasers on climbing section incorrectly respawning the player. [/list] [*] Section 4: [list] [*] Improved polish on initial playable area (fixed animation on rotating walls). [*] Fixed possible issue with getting stuck on the double swings. [*] Fixed floating ropes. [*] General improvements to flow in first zipline area + zipline won't first go backwards. [*] Adjusted loading of next area on the archery section, pop in should be less noticeable. [/list] [*] Section 6: [list] [*] Slight tweaks on courtyard area (this will be an ongoing process). [/list] [/list] We have been listening to all the coming feedback and bugs that have been reported, thank you for all the help you have been giving. Expect general QOL, bugfixes and polish changes on smaller patches as we strive to launch a bigger update down the road ^^ Join our Discord server to share your feedback and get news of any updates and closed gameplay testing: Thank you for supporting our game; we look forward to hearing from you! - BearHammer Games