Gearbox legal battle with former employee becomes messy publicly

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection

You & your friends are the deadliest killers in the galaxy – the US Colonial Marines. It’s up to you to not just survive, but wipe out the Xeno infestation.

Back in November, the Borderlands and Aliens: Colonial Marines studio Gearbox Software filed a suit against their former lawyer, Wade Callender, accusing him of “exploit[ing] Gearbox s generosity and trust for his own personal gain.” The suit was not particularly interesting, alleging that Callender did not fully pay back a loan he borrowed to secure his house, and that he used a business credit card for personal expenses.

Then, last month, Callender counter-sued, accusing Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford of “siphoning” a $12 million ( 9.34m) “secretive ‘Executive Bonus,'” as well as a number of significantly more salacious details that have rocketed the case into the public eye.
