Gazmatera 2 is 3 years old now!

Gazmatera 2 America's Least Wanted

Find out the long story, about how the famous "generals" met and appeared in the new third-person shooter from Victor "LVL90DRU1D" Gazmanoff and his Kalifas! Take control of four survivors, Jeff, Kayla, Helga and Emina! Rush through 15 breathtaking levels and find out how the fate of heroes formed!

Yes, time runs fast and this game is already 3 years old. This is not our best title, and it had quite bad sales, but let's not forget about it's existence. It's still our history. In order to celebrate it, this legacy of the past will receive an 80% discount for a week, a couple of bugfixes (we know that Chapter 5 is somewhat difficult to finish, that's our fault), and a Linux port. Also - we have plans to make the 5th anniversary remaster of this game in 2026!