🍀Gardener Plant Creator🍀 and 🐶Farmer's Life - Pimp my Cottage DLC😺 Release

Farmer's Father: Save the Innocence

War breeds heroes you've never heard of. You are the ordinary person holding a huge burden of protecting what's most precious and innocent. Fight with hunger, wounds, cold, disease, and enemy cruelty. Defend your family and survive the war!

[h2][b]Farming Fest Event Starts[/b][/h2] Steam Farming Fest has just launched. What impact does it have on you, what can you benefit from it? [h3]Firstly, you can get the [b]Farmer's Life[/b] game with the [u]best discount ever 40%[/u]! You can even get it cheaper in a bundle:[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/31519/_Farmers_Life_and_Farmers_Father/ [h3]Secondly, we have just launched a much anticipated DLC "[b]Pimp my Cottage DLC[/b]"[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2926840/Farmers_Life__Pimp_my_Cottage_DLC Don't have or don't want to spend any $ today? Fine. We have an offer for that also. [h3]Gardener Plant Creator has launched today. Try it, it's free. It's a unique "introduction" to the Gardener game.[/h3] https://store.steampowered.com/app/2813710/Gardener_Plant_Creator Have fun! FreeMind