GAMMA-1.0.0 is out!

FIREWALL: Cyber Defense

A lore-based cyberspace tower-defense where you defend artificially intelligent Constructs from Corrupted bugs and viruses.

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and update GAMMA-1.0.0 is now out, making FIREWALL: Cyber Defense now ready to get ready for release! With a few pains [The programming way] I have added some fun additions to the game, with simply more of the same to just more stuff! The changes include: >BACE Upgrades! Now another upgrade system! >BACE Scene now has music! >Two new ICE Shards: Critical and Sprint! >Added Androids, the pushy ally! >Added the Arcane Data currency, for Androids and BACEs! >Some UI improvements >Select which BACE you want! >Finished second BACE Tower conversation! >Added Playstation Controller glyphs! Not to mention some previous improvements from the BETA-1.1.0 update: >Added bodies! >Bothered by bodies? You can turn them off! >Added item effects when enemies die. That's a lot of cash. >Improved enemy leveling: No speed limit but slower speed upgrading and faster health upgrading! >Added the speed consumable! >Added XBox Controller glyphs! >Added tutorial for the HoldToShoot! >Changed UI a little. >Added a new way to get lore! Not to mention more lore! >Fixed some pesty bugs! And finally, celebrating the completion of the BACE Scene, it is now out on YouTube for all to watch! [previewyoutube=2TT5167KHj0;full][/previewyoutube] Well, that's all for now! See ya later folks! -CyberNinjaX3648