Alientrap..." inertia>

Alientrap..." inertia>

Alientrap..." inertia> Gaming Greeks: Capsized Creators Show Apotheon | Capsized | Gamehypes

Gaming Greeks: Capsized Creators Show Apotheon


Capsized is a fast paced 2D platformer focused on intense action and exploration. As a intrepid space traveler, your ship has crash landed on a mysterious alien planet. You must navigate through the perilous environment and fight off blood-thirsty creatures to save your crewmates and escape with your lives!

Alientrap, they behind the absolutely superb Capsized, have released a trailer for their new game – Apotheon. Sit up and take notice, because if you didn’t play Capsized, you missed out on one of the best PC platformers in ages. Apotheon is calling itself a 2D Action RPG.
