Embark on a whimsically twisted adventure with Agatha, a child torn between her love for eating meat and her friendships with animals. Join her as she discovers religion and creates her own, Carnivorism, to convince animals that the sacrifice of their flesh is the secret to their eternal happiness.
Agatha Knife is part of this year's AdventureX Steam event, with loads of great narrative games on sale. And to celebrate, you can get the game with a 50% discount!
We're also streaming some gameplay so, in case you still don't know the struggles of our beloved little butcher, now is your best chance to meet her. On the stream you will also be able to see how our art director, Mariona Valls, crafted a few portraits of some characters from Agatha Knife. Check it out in the game's store page!
Check all narrative games participating in the AdventureX Steam event page: