Game Update, September 15, 2014

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition

Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition enhances the bold new franchise to the fighting game genre from NetherRealm Studios. Featuring six new playable characters, over 30 new skins, and 60 new S.T.A.R. Labs missions, this edition packs a punch.

NetherRealm and Warner Bros. have released a patch today for Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition to fix some issues related to Online and Framerate – details below: [list] [*]Fixed issue related to players not being visible in rooms [*]Fixed the invite system to address simultaneous invites and invites that arrive after the player has started entering a match o Note: This fix changes the system so that invites arriving after entering a match or actively matchmaking are ignored [*]Fixed a desync when using chat in Big Picture mode [*]Fixed framerate issue related to cutscenes [/list] We would like to clarify that a good network connection and a system capable of maintaining 60 fps are required in order to receive the best possible online experience: [olist] [*]Start with a machine that meets or exceeds the Recommended System Requirements [*]Run AutoConfigure from the Video Settings Option menu [*]If you experience any further performance problems, disable the most costly effects such as Anti-Aliasing [*]Make sure to watch the Ping display for opponents that have a rating of (4 = Good). Connections to a lower Ping value may slow down online play [/olist]